E-KAM - Kiwiik Data
Currently there are a wide variety of information sources that help the analysis and strategy creation for different areas inside the company. For new emerging roles (such as e-kam or e-catman) and growing areas mainly related to e-commerce, new evolved sources of data and information are needed.
Now let's look at this scenario; for an e-kam of a mass consumer brand with over 60 products on each of the 20 e-commerce websites where they are on, how much time will it take to gather, organize and analyze the information of those products, and in addition the status of competitors on a daily basis?. Now expand this scenario to 50 branches per e-commerce, it is simply manually impossible.
An e-kam must dominate the whole situation of a product inside the category and also the competitors behavior to create effective strategies that end in differentiation and better image for the brand. Kiwiik Data guarantees effort reduction in gathering, organizing, monitoring and analysing online products data, from an individual product or at a whole category level to improve the data culture and data driven decisions inside new areas of the company.
Less time operating, more time creating.